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A FIre On VenuS

I had the pleasure of once again working with singer-songwriter, Brittney Chantele. Designing the album art was just the start, and from there I designed the associated promotional materials, animations, and merchandise. Their new album, A Fire On Venus, pushes the boundaries of their previous work and leans into the genera of experimental pop. Inspired by Banks and Kehlani, Brittney created music that illustrates the challenges, successes, and myriad of emotions surrounding their relationships past and present. With Venus on fire, you’re bound to get burned.

Fire on Venus album-03-08.png
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Fire on Venus album mockup.png

Brittney Chantele is a member of 1Hood Media - a collective of socially conscious artists and activists who utilize art as a means of raising awareness about social justice matters affecting people around the world. 


Project head.hands.heart


Living Lamp